Catalogue dataset of M4.7 or above destructive earthquakes in the China Pakistan Economic Corridor and adjacent areas from 25 AD to 2018

Release time:2021-06-25
Browsing times: 1154
Label: earthquakecatalogChina Pakistan Economic Corridordestructive
From the International Earthquake Center (ISC) Earthquake Catalogue( )And China Earthquake Catalogue( )Collect and organize, refer to the seismic industry standard "Seismic Cataloging Specification" (DB/T 66-2016) for cataloging, and form a directory of destructive earthquakes (M4.7+) in the China Pakistan Economic Corridor and adjacent areas from 25 AD to 2018. The data items include year, month, day, hour, minute, second, longitude, latitude, depth, magnitude, reference place name, and data source, with a total of 1643 entries.
Atmospheric science
zh CN
Comprehensive Investigation and Evaluation Project of Natural Disasters in the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (Special Project for Science and Technology Basic Work)
Access constraints
Open sharing
Unified cataloging will be conducted using the ISC earthquake catalog and the strong earthquake catalog compiled by the Chinese seismic department. The research area compiled by the China Earthquake Catalogue has a relatively complete range of small and medium-sized earthquakes in the domestic area, while for earthquakes near the border and surrounding areas, most can only provide earthquakes with a magnitude of 5.0 or above; The ISC directory is the opposite. Two types of catalogs need to be combined, and for duplicate earthquakes, selection and verification should be carried out. In principle, the Chinese catalog is used for domestic earthquakes, and ISC data is used for foreign earthquakes. According to the seismic industry standard "Seismic Cataloging Specification" (DB/T 66-2016), the number of data categories has been reduced.
Operator name
Wu Qing
Responsible party role
Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration
Information evaluation
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