Release time:2021-06-25
Browsing times: 310
Label: 19612015daily precipitationChina Pakistan Economic Corridor
This dataset covers the entire China Pakistan Economic Corridor region with a spatial resolution of 0.25 ° × 0.25 °, with a time span from January 1, 1961 to December 31, 2015. Based on daily precipitation data from 65 meteorological stations in the China Pakistan Economic Corridor and its surrounding areas, DEM data from the region is used as a covariate for spatial interpolation using ANUSPLIN software. Taking the data from other meteorological stations in the research area that have not been interpolated as a reference, combined with the commonly used daily precipitation dataset internationally, the validation shows that this dataset has higher accuracy and can better reflect the real spatiotemporal distribution characteristics of precipitation in the China Pakistan Economic Corridor. The data volume is 121MB, with a total of over 20000 entries.
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- Monthly dry and wet index grid data set for the China Pakistan Economic Corridor at 0.25º×0.25º from 1961 to 2015
- Daily lowest gas temperature point dataset for the China Pakistan Economic Corridor at 0.25º×0.25º from 1961 to 2015
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