Release time:2021-06-25
Browsing times: 514
Label: Key SectionsEarthquakeLevel 3RelocationChina Pakistan Economic Corridor
Use observation data from the ISC Earthquake Catalogue of the International Seismological Center and compiled by the Chinese Seismological Department for unified production. Overseas earthquakes are prepared by the International Seismological Center ISC after calibration, and domestic earthquakes are obtained from the observation report and provided by the China Earthquake Networks Center Center. Since 2005, the relocation catalog data of earthquakes of magnitude 3 or above in the key sections of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor are obtained by using the internationally recognized double difference positioning method. The key sections refer to Quetta Gwadar Port Karachi and Kashmir. The data items include earthquake date, earthquake time, latitude, longitude, depth, and magnitude, with a total of 4478 pieces of data.
- Dataset of geological hazards such as collapses, landslides, and mudslides in the China Pakistan Economic Corridor from 1970s to 2018
- China Pakistan Economic Corridor ice lake distribution dataset from 2017 to 2019
- Cataloging data of historical ice lake disasters in the China Pakistan Economic Corridor from 1970s to 2018
- Cataloging data of historical glacier disasters in the China Pakistan Economic Corridor from 1970s to 2018
- Monthly dry and wet index grid data set for the China Pakistan Economic Corridor at 0.25º×0.25º from 1961 to 2015
- Daily lowest gas temperature point dataset for the China Pakistan Economic Corridor at 0.25º×0.25º from 1961 to 2015
- Catalog dataset of moment tensor solutions for earthquakes with magnitude 4 or above in key sections of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor from 2005 to 2018
- Cataloging dataset for strong earthquake disasters above level 7 in the China Pakistan Economic Corridor from 1905 to 2018