Historical marine disaster cataloging dataset covering the Northern Indian Ocean from 1980 to 2020

Release time:2021-06-25

Browsing times: 313


Based on global data such as ISC, NEIC, IBTrACS, UHSLC, Globwave, etc., historical spatiotemporal information such as earthquakes, tsunamis, giant waves, typhoons, storm surges, etc. covering the North Indian Ocean and the Arabian Sea were extracted to form two datasets: the historical typhoon disaster catalog dataset covering the North Indian Ocean from 1980 to 2020, and the historical giant wave disaster catalog dataset covering the Arabian Sea from 1992 to 2016. The data includes disaster numbers Using MATLAB to create a digital map of the occurrence time, longitude and latitude, category, and event size. The data includes two datasheets, with a total of 417900 entries and 10.50MB of data.

zh CN
Comprehensive Investigation and Evaluation Project of Natural Disasters in the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (Special Project for Science and Technology Basic Work)
Access constraints
Open sharing
Date creation
The Globalwave L2 data is sourced from http://globwave.ifremer.fr/products/l2-data-products ; Water level observation station data can be downloaded from http://uhslc.soest.hawaii.edu/network/ ; Tropical cyclone trajectory data is sourced from the International Best Track Archive for Climate Stewardship (IBTrACS).
A significant wave height greater than 4m is defined as a giant wave event. Therefore, the frequency of giant waves occurring at a certain observation point is defined as: number of giant wave events/total number of satellite observations × 100%. In addition, when evaluating the spatiotemporal variation characteristics of the frequency of giant waves, scattered observation data will be further interpolated to 1 ° × 1 ° matrix grid. All data was analyzed and processed on Matlab (2019b) software.
Operator name
Zhan Weikang
Responsible party role
South China Sea Institute of Oceanography, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Information evaluation